Excel project


  • To increase the access and participation of out of school adolescents (10 – 17 years of age) to non-formal education activity in order to develop the skills for social protection
  • To enhance reading literacy

EXCEL project is a 9 months long project which requires active participation of the learners.

EXCEL project was implemented in 11 townships with the cooperation of UNICEF and DEPT (MoE) From 2007 to 2015 which benefited 17387 youth, in 1 township from 2014 to 2016 with the cooperation of Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA) – Japan which benefited 360 youths and in 4 townships from 2017- 2018 with the cooperation of National Federation of UNSCEO Association in Japan (NFUAJ) which benefitted 960 youths.