
Development of Tests

To have national standardized evaluation system for quality assurance of NFPE, Standardized scales items and test development study for all four subjects of NFPE Level 2 was conducted in 2013 by the research team composed of test specialists from Yangon University of Education. Research findings were explored Standardized and a research report with test administration manual booklets were completed in April 2014.

According to the descriptive statistics, there is no significant difference between Non-Formal Primary Education students and Formal Education students.

Professor Dr. Aye Aye Myint & Group, Educational Psychology Department Yangon Institute of Education (2013)

Use of Standardized Tests

Aiming to use those standardized test for NFPE Level 2 at the end of 2014-15 AY, an orientation workshop was held in October 2014 in Yangon, where TEOs of NFPE townships and other responsible personnel attended. Central level TOT training for test administration was held in January, 2015. It was followed by muliplier training for test administrators. And the test was administered in the first week of March for all NFPE Level 2 learners.