Myanmar Literacy Resource Centre(MLRC)
Non-Formal Education for Out Of School Children and Youth
To achieve the goal of “No one left behind” in education with its dedicated features – “flexible, locally relevant, people-centered”, MLRC (Myanmar Literacy Resource Centre) provides the marginalized out-of-school children and youth learners with an effectiveNon-Formal Education(NFE) which enable them to develop their knowledge and life skills for their better lives and community.

- Aiming to use those standardized test for NFPE Level 2 at the end of 2014-15 AY, an orientation workshop was held in October 2014 in Yangon, where TEOs of NFPE townships and other responsible personnel attended.
- Central level TOT training for test administration was held in January, 2015. It was followed by muliplier training for test administrators. And the test was administered in the first week of March for all NFPE Level 2 learners.
- NFPE Activities at Centres are monitored by TMs, RMs and Central monitors on regular basis
- Central Management Committee and Central Working Committee occasionally
- Report back meeting on monitoring are held at three zones, attended by Technical Team, responsible persons from DBE, RMs and TMs.
- A Coordination meeting on programme evaluation is usually held at the end of each AY.
According to the descriptive statistics, there is no significant difference between Non-Formal Primary Education students and Formal Education students.
Professor Dr. Aye Aye Myint & Group, Educational Psychology Department Yangon Institute of Education (2013)
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