- To offer alternative education including vocational knowledge and skills to the youth who miss the opportunity to complete the lower secondary education by various reasons
NFME, three years middle education program (with total 6 semesters, 2 per academic year) was launched in 2016-2019 in collaboration with MoE, UNICEF, UNESCO, HWF Thailand and local partners in 8 townships across in various States and Divisions Myanmar for the benefit of 190 students, taught by 42 teachers at 14 centres. It is now continuing as a 2nd cycle (2019-2022).
NFME is a curriculum type of Equivalency Program (EP), covering both academic and vocational subjects through four strands – Academic and Communication skills, Basic Vocation skills, Quality of Life improvement (Life skills training) and Social and community developments. Before each semester begins, curriculum and training manuels are reviewed by the subject leaders and curriculum experts.
MLRC organized the Joint Evaluation of the NFME pilot program, conducted by ERD Ltd.- Poland and Synergia Consulting- Myanmar, in early 2019. Their report was very satisfactory confirming that NFME program is consistent with the objectives of the National Education Strategic Plan (2016-21), demonstrating the flexible delivery mechanism through its partnership model.
For accreditation, Credit System, a new initiative at the basic education level is adopted to guarantee the quality assurance of NFME. The Accreditation Committee was formed in each project area consisting of Township Education Officer (TEO) is a chairman, Assistant Township Education Officer (ATEO) is secretary, other heads and Township Monitors (TM) are committee members.
176 students completed the NFME 3years pilot program (2016 to 2019 AYs). Out of them, 103 learners joined the formal high schools and technical high schools, 18 went to the vocational institutions, 12 continued religious studies and 42 work.
NFME is now introducing E learning to its classrooms (as a back-up home-based distant learning program) and coaching e-learning strategies and methods for its facilitators/teachers, facing two challenges – not sufficient funding to provide the required electronics equipment and devices (computers, tablets and internet fees) and qualified facilitator/teacher to teach the vocational subjects.